Annual Home Maintenance Guide

Annual home maintenance doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Follow our seasonal timeline to protect the value of your investment! 


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Spring Cleaning - Hiring someone to deep clean your home annually is well worth it. When is the last time you emptied your fridge to clean it? Or wiped down baseboards, blinds and fan blades?  

HVAC Servicing - In addition to changing air filters monthly, you should service your HVAC system at least once a year. Having it done in the springtime transition from heat to AC, will prevent outages in the heat of summer. Most HVAC companies offer plans and charge around $100 per service.

Hot Water Heater - unless you have a whole-house water filtration system sediment and minerals from city water can damage your water heater and shorten its life. A licensed plumber should flush your hot water heater annually (even tankless) unless your heater is more than 3 years old and you've never flushed it. Disrupting too much built up debris can cause more harm than help.

Tree and Landscaping Trimming - Prune overgrown landscaping so it can fill back in as the months get warmer. Remember to keep all vegetation away from your home’s siding and roof. Tree branches can prematurely age your roof and trap moisture. 

Exterior Inspection - As the days get longer and you start spending more time outside, be sure to give the exterior of your home a once over. Look along the roofline to make sure all shingles are in place. Check the soffit, trim window sills and doorways for evidence of wood rot. Make sure your siding is in tact and any crawl space access points are secured or sealed. 

Mosquito Spraying - If the pesky “South Carolina state bird” prevents you from enjoying your yard, mosquito treatment can really help. We recommend the first rounds of treatment in March to get ahead of their arrival. 

Mulch and Pinestraw - After the live oak leaves fall is a great time to refresh your ground cover. Plan to lay the fresh mulch or straw after Masters weekend mid April. 

Pool - If you have a pool (lucky you!) now is the time to prep it for the summer months. Treat the pool, check filters, and inspect the equipment. 


Crawl Space - One of the biggest mistakes a homeowner can make with their crawl space is “out of sight out of mind.” This is the most common source of major repair expenses.  As heat and humidity increase, so does the likelihood of elevated moisture which can lead to wood rot, mold and fungus. Your crawl space should be protected by a vapor barrier, free from leaks or standing water, and either sealed or well ventilated.  

Powerwashing - After the spring pollen passes, get your house a bath from a professional power washer who can clean the exterior without damaging it. 

Gutters - Before the afternoon thunder storms set in, clear your gutters of debris for proper draining to prevent wood rot around your home’s trim. 

Air Filters - Now that the AC is likely running 24/7, remember to keep up with changing out your AC filters every 30 days.

Pest Treatment - The bugs can feel how hot it’s getting and will want to come inside where it’s cool. Have your home treated and don’t forget the termite bond.


Smoke Alarms - You should test your smoke alarms on an annual basis. Fall is a good time since you’ll start running the heat and reigniting your fireplace. You should replace your entire smoke detectors every 10 years. 

Fireplace - Get your fireplace ready for winter by having the chimney swept.  If you have gas logs that are no longer igniting, Dominion Energy provides a free service to clear your gas lines!

Gutters - After the leaves fall, you may need to climb the ladder again and clear those gutters once more. 

HVAC Servicing - The transition time between AC and heat is the best time to identify issues. 

Dryer Vent - When is the last time you cleaned out your dryer’s vent?  This is a major fire hazard. If you can easily access your vent, it’s as easy as reaching your hand inside to clear any built up lent, but if your vent exits through the walls or attic, you need to have the line professionally cleared.  

Cleaning - Has that spring clean worn off over the busy (and hopefully sandy!) summer months? Consider doing a final deep clean before the holidays. 


Pipe Check - Even though our winters are mild, a cold snap can bring freezing temps. The pipes closest to the exterior of your home are most susceptible to bursting. Insulate them where you can, drip faucets on freezing nights, and keep your thermostat set to at least 55 degrees when you aren’t home. 

Weather Stripping - Do you feel the cold air creeping in when you walk past the front door? It may be time to replace your weather stripping and create an efficient seal.  

Attic - Take advantage of the cooler weather to thoroughly inspect your attic for roof leaks, especially around vents. Also look for signs of intruders (rodents!) and missing insulation. Take inventory of what’s stored up there and maybe tackle the purge you’ve been putting off!